Parc Regent Condominium
Active 55+ Living
in the Heart of Los Altos
Parc Regent, an independent living condominium, provides an exceptional environment for active 55+ couples and singles to enhance their quality of life and protect their financial investment.
That environment is due to a combination of the condominium’s physical facility and location, amenities, social activities and most importantly, the diverse group of interesting residents who add personality, character and management skills to the community. As Parc Regent is an independent living facility, no assisted living services are provided.
Parc Regent has flourished over time due to the historically active community of “young in spirit” residents. Many have family in the area and have downsized from larger homesteads. The small number of units within the condominium provides for a high degree of social interaction and camaraderie among the residents.
Active 55+ couples and singles who want to enhance their quality of life, protect their financial investment and add to the character and personality of Parc Regent should consider Parc Regent for their next home.

A 57-unit gated condominium facility situated at the north edge of downtown Los Altos

Social Activities
Special events, catered holiday parties, movies, cocktail parties and more
My wife and I love living at Parc Regent.
It’s a condominium with a community environment.
It’s “Cheers” where everybody knows your name.
It’s camp with your own bunk.
It’s a very special place.
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